Microeconomics, macroeconomics, agricultural marketing, farm management, natural resource management, econometrics, linear programming, project planning, food and agricultural policy, monitoring and evaluation, and environmental impact assessment are among the key areas of study.
By 2050, the World is expected to be home to 9 billion people. To feed this many people, an additional 30% of food must be made. This monumental mission is fraught with difficulties, including resource distribution issues, overproduction, climate change, losses, and food waste.
What is agricultural economics?
Agricultural economics is the study of allocating scarce resources to different uses in order to feed an ever-increasing population. Agricultural economists are interested in the financial aspects of agriculture, its related practises, food supply chains, marketing, and so on. This course will help those who want to work as agricultural economists and gain advanced skills.
Microeconomics, macroeconomics, agricultural marketing, farm management, natural resource management, econometrics, linear programming, project planning, food and agricultural policy, monitoring and evaluation, and environmental impact assessment are among the key areas of study. After reading this, students will be able to evaluate economic problems and make decisions based on their findings, as well as analyse different asps.
Universities, colleges and institute:
There are various universities/ colleges/ institutes for students who are interested in this domain.
International Universities:
Mcgill University, (Quebec),
Nova Scotia Agricultural College, (Nova Scotia),
Universite Laval, (Quebec),
University of Alberta, (Alberta),
University of Guelph, (Ontario),
University of Manitoba, (Manitoba) and
University of Saskatchewan, (Saskatchewan) , are among few foreign universities.
National universities:
Indian Agricultural Research Institute; New Delhi,
Anand Agricultural University; Anand,
National Dairy Research Institute; Karnal,
Punjab Agricultural University; Ludhiana,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University; Coimbatore,
G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology; Pantnagar
Agricultural Economics is available as a graduate and postgraduate programme. Students may choose from a variety of career paths as a result of this. An Agricultural Economist may work in any sector of the economy. This can range from knowing customer behaviour to event management, financial market stock and commodity traders, bankers, and even government advisors to farmers and natural resource managers. The economist will forecast future demand and supply by analysing consumer behaviour, which will assist in decision-making. The most common work nowadays is that of a stock and commodity trader, who can make a lot of money by trading.
So, what kind of remuneration packages can students expect? A variety of variables, such as experience and skills, can have a significant impact on one's earning potential. A package for a fresher will start at Rs. 2.5- 3 lakh per year, but with experience and expertise of about 5-7 years, it can cross Rs. 8-10 lakh per year. It goes without saying that Agricult is unquestionably essential.