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Writer's pictureLakshmi Sharan Singh

First Batch Of Girl Cadets Take Admission In Sainik School

Following clearing the All India Sainik School Entrance Examination (AISSEE 2021) for the academic year 2020-21, the first batch of lady cadets received admission at Sainik School Kazhakootam (SSKZM) here for the first time in history after the foundation of the state's only Sainik School in 1962.

A special assembly was held in the school auditorium on Wednesday to welcome the first batch of females to the Kazhak (Sainik School Kazhakootam) family, which included seven girls from Kerala, two from Bihar, and one from Uttar Pradesh, according to a Defense release.

Col Dhirendra Kumar, the Principal, addressed the cadets and expressed his best wishes for their stay at one of the state's few institutions of its sort. The school's infrastructure has been considerably updated during the last year in preparation for the arrival of female cadets. According to the statement, renovations to temporary housing for the first wave of female cadets are approaching completion.

Admission of girl cadets to Sainik schools was a successful experiment in the academic year 2018-19 by the Sainik School Society in Mizoram, and several states throughout the country followed suit, encouraging girls to join the armed forces and embracing women empowerment.

In his 75th Independence Day speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared that beginning in the current academic year, all 33 Sainik schools will accept female cadets. According to the statement, ten percent of total seats in each year's admission would be earmarked for girls in every Sainik school in the country.


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