According to an official announcement, Jamia Millia Islamia took offline entrance exams for PhD admissions on its campus on Tuesday. During the test, which was conducted in two shifts, all Covid-related standards and protocols were followed, according to the company. "The university's first offline-mode assessment this year is the PhD admission exam. PhD entrance exams will be held until June 28 "it declares. A total of 12,000 individuals applied for PhD programmes in various university departments.
According to the statement, the exam centres were sanitised the day before the exam, and candidates were requested to bring their own water bottle and hand sanitizer. Examinees were allowed to enter examination centres while wearing adequate face masks and having their temperatures checked, according to the statement, which also stated that the seating arrangements inside the examination halls were established according to the social distancing rules.
It further stated that waiting facilities for parents/guardians have been established at several test centres on the university campus, complete with chairs and pedestal fans.
Given the current Covid pandemic, JMI Vice Chancellor Najma Akhtar said it was a difficult task for the university to begin entrance tests, but it was necessary and urgent. The university's PhD admissions have been postponed for a year owing to the coronavirus pandemic, officials announced earlier this month. Instead of the present academic year 2021-22, the university will have PHD entry exams in 2020-21.