Under a new initiative, the defence ministry will give fee support of up to Rs 40,000 per year to a maximum of 50 students in class 6 of the 100 schools that will be affiliated with the Sainik School Society.
The Union Cabinet on Tuesday approved the affiliation of 100 schools from the academic year 2022-23 in government and private sectors with Sainik School Society under the Ministry of Defence.The officials said as the academic session will begin in the new schools with admission to class 6, the scholarship in the first year will be for the students enrolled for it and the fee support will be progressively increased up to students of class 12.
The scheme envisages providing a scholarship of 50 per cent of fee subject to an upper limit of Rs 40,000 per annum for 50 per cent of a class strength subject to an upper limit of 50 students per year from Class 6 onwards to class 12 on "merit-cum-means basis", the officials said.
Initially, the total maximum expenditure on account of the financial assistance will amount to Rs 20 lakh per class per school per year, the officials said adding it will result in a grant of Rs 20 crore and Rs 40 crore for 100 schools during the first and second year respectively.
The officials said the Sainik School Society will ask the schools for reasonable fees.