The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will be conducting the civil services preliminary examination 2021 on June 27. The commission confirmed the date of the preliminary examination released earlier in a notification, and said that the detailed notification for the civil services preliminary examination will be released in the due course. "CS(P)E-2021 (including IFoS(P)E-2021) shall be conducted as per already declared schedule on 27.06.2021. Detailed Notifications for CSE-2021 and IFoSE-2021 shall be published in due course," reads the notification. Aspirants should keep checking the official website for the latest update about the examination. Candidates will be able to register for the examination once the detailed notification is released. The civil services preliminary examination is an objective type test consisting of two papers. It is the first stage of the exam that aspirants need to clear to qualify for the main examination. However, the marks obtained in the preliminary examination is not included for determining the final merit list.